Thursday 18 November 2010

Wind Energy Handbook

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Plant Design And Economics For Chemical Engineers (TIMMERHAUS)

Preface : Advances in the level of understanding of chemical engineering principles, combined with the availability of new tools and new techniques, have led to an increased degree of sophistication which can now be applied to the design of industrial chemical operations. This fourth edition takes advantage of the widened spectrum of chemical engineering knowledge by the inclusion of considerable material on profitabilty evaluation, optimum design methods, continuous interest compounding, statistical analyses, cost estimation, and methods , for problem solution including use of computers. Special emphasis is placed on the economic and engineering principles involved in the design of chemical plants and equipment. An understanding of these principles is a prerequisite for any successful chemical engineer, no matter whether the final position is in direct design work or in production, administration, sales, research, development, or any other related field. The expression plant design immediately connotes industrial applications; consequently, the dollar sign must always be kept in mind when carrying out the design of a plant. The theoretical and practical aspects are important, of course; but, in the final analysis, the answer to the question “Will we realize a profit from this venture?” almost always determines the true value of-the design. The chemical engineer, therefore, should consider plant design and applied economics as one combined subject. The purpose of this book is to present economic and design principles as applied in chemical engineering processes and operations. No attempt is made to train the reader as a skilled economist, and, obviously, it would be impossible to present all the possible ramifications involved in the multitude of different plant designs. Instead, the goal has been to give a clear concept of the important principles and general methods. The subject matter and manner of presentation are such that the book should be of value to advanced chemical engineering undergraduates, graduate students, and practicing engineers. The information should also be of interest to administrators, operation supervisors, and research or development workers in the process industries. The first part of the text presents an overall analysis of the major factors involved in process .design, with particular emphasis on economics in the process industries and in design work. Computer-aided design is discussed early in the book as a separate chapter to introduce the reader to this important topic with the understanding that this tool will be useful throughout the text. The various costs involved in industrial processes, capital investments and investment returns, cost estimation, cost accounting, optimum economic design methods, and other subjects dealing with economics are covered both qualitatively and quantitatively. The remainder of the text deals with methods and important factors in the design of plants and equipment. Generalized subjects, such as waste disposal, structural design, and equipment fabrication, are included along with design methods for different types of process equipment.

Qualitative Inorganic Analysis & Quantitative Chemical Analysis (VOGEL)

Preface : Experience of teaching qualitative analysis over a number of years to large numbers of students has provided the nucleus around which this book has been written. The ultimate object was to provide a text book at moderate cost  which  can be employed by the student continuously throughout his study of the subject.

It' is author opinion that the theoretical basis of qualitative analysis, often neglected or  very sparsely dealt with in the smaller texts, merits equally detailed treatment with the purely  practical side. Only can this way, can the true spirit of qualitative analysis be acquired. The book accordingly opens with a long chapter entitled "The Theoretical Basis of Qualitative Analysis", in which most of the theoretical principal which find application in the science and discussed.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Welding ASTM Handbook of Comparative Weld Steel Standards

Preface : This is the book I never wanted to write, but always wanted to own. As a metallurgical engineer and long time user of steel standards, author of the four CASTI Metals Data Books, and member of ASTM A01 and B02 standard committees, I knew all too well the many pitfalls and challenges of writing such a handbook. There were many steel standards from around the world that were new to me, which created far too many surprises and delays in completing this book.
Comparing steel standards is not an exact science, so the biggest challenge of preparing such a book was deciding on "the rules of comparison." Of the similar books on the market today, none explain in detail why one steel is comparable to another. They simply appear together in a list of steels. I kept a daily diary to help construct a workable set of comparison rules that I could share with other users to assist them in understanding how and why one steel is comparable to another. 
To say least, these rules changed from chapter to chapter while the book was being written. It wasn't until the last chapter and appendix were completed that I was able to finalize the rules of comparison. In the end, a complete review of the book was performed resulting in the reorganization of some chapters and the fine-tuning of others. there were too many occasions when I thought the book was finished, only to have to change, add, or delete a rule which made yet another review of the book necessary.